Ngã ba Đồng Lộc nằm trên đường Trường Sơn, thuộc địa phận Đồng Lộc, Can Lộc, Hà Tĩnh. Ngã ba Đồng Lộc có tổng diện tích 50ha nằm gọn trong một thung lũng hình tam giác, hai bên đồi núi trọc, giữa là con đường độc đạo, mặt đường giống như một lòng máng.
Anti-congestion by LED panel
Wednesday - 16/12/2015 21:12
Measures put up traffic information system LED electronic table of FPT Corporation has been tested on the Ho Chi Minh City area.
Technology panel on online journalism in traffic (Variable Message Signs - VMS) has been adopted in many developed countries in the world such as USA, Europe, Japan, Korea, to reduce traffic jams during rush hour or schools emergencies such as accidents, fires and explosions. Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand also are adopting this technology. Private Thailand currently uses more than 40 tables in Bangkok.
Transport Department of Ho Chi Minh, Ltd. Technology Solutions (FPT High Technology Solutions - FTS) and VOV Traffic channel (Voice of Vietnam) organized program concluded pilot supply level and putting up traffic information system electronic LED panel on the Ho Chi Minh City area.
"This will be the effective direction of city transportation. After testing organization, many people have called or sent a letter with the very positive feedback, "said Dau An Phuc, Head Manager - Mining transportation infrastructure, the Department of Transport Ho Chi Minh said.
The explosion of personal vehicles is a huge challenge for traffic jams. With about 6 million motorcycles and more than 500 thousand cars in circulation in Ho Chi Minh, the density of vehicles on the road are always high.
A study by the Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Polytechnic University of Ho Chi Minh City, conducted in 2009 showed that every year, victims of traffic congestion in HCMC cause economic damage to society of approximately 14,000 billion (2007, Ho Chi Minh City with total vehicles smaller than 3.5 million units).
"The advantage of the project is Vietnam maximizing existing infrastructure, although no system metering equipment means. FTS technology has successfully connected between the informant unit, unit operators and monitoring system current LED panel "Pham Thanh Lam, project administrator, said.
This is the first time in Vietnam about the traffic situation in real time is provided on the system instantaneous electronic media panel for traffic participants, especially motorcyclists, seize avoid passing the area with high density of traffic or congestion. This is also a prerequisite for the implementation of the system "intelligent transportation" of Ho Chi Minh City in the near future.
"An agency in the US each test performed and the results show, information on alarm panel affects over 90% of traffic participants in the decision-making route selected," said Lin revealed.
Information VOV text is continuously updated and the FTS system will handle, automatic encryption roadblock, select tables to display the content. The content is updated according to a form approved library before. Then, the information is transferred to the supervisory authority for approval online before the system automatically updates on the LED panel.
Representatives FTS said that the source of VOV and VOH (Voice of HCMC People) only serves 200,000 cars in traffic on the routes of the city, while if implemented Spacious, LED panel will meet the needs of about 6 million vehicles (both cars and motorcycles).
"In the future, the system will connect to the system and other sources, such as cameras, sensors to quantify the extent of the traffic situation from which provides information about average speed, the density of vehicles on the road ... as well as information in multiple locations around the city such as bus stations, commercial centers and on mobile devices so people can easily access information, "said Forestry expectations.