The Public lighting in Sai Gon East-West Highway

The Public lighting in Sai Gon East-West Highway

  •   28/05/2015 10:55:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 4198
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Public lighting in Sai Gon East-West Highway has total length 21,8km, the beginning is intersection with the 1A highway (Binh Chanh District) and the end of the Hanoi highway (District 2). Highway passing through districts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, Binh Tan and Binh Chanh district, of which 1,49 km tunnel crossing Saigon river.

Decorative lighting improvement projects HCM City Water Environment

Decorative lighting improvement projects HCM City Water Environment

  •   28/05/2015 10:53:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 3063
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Project City Water Environment Improvement - Tau Hu canal basin - Ben Nghe and channel Doi - Te canal phase 1 against flooding for area districts 1, 3, 5, 10 and 11. In particular, solve the frequent flooding low-lying areas during high tide as terminals Me Coc (District 8), Thanh Da (Binh Thanh District). At the same time, the project to dredge the channel and channel embankment Tau Hu, Ben Nghe, creating a good view both sides of the channel.


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1 Quốc lộ 1 17:30 05:30
2 Xa lộ Hà Nội 17:30 05:30
3 Đường Võ Văn Kiệt 17:30 05:30
4 Đường Mai Chí Thọ 17:30 05:30
5 Quốc lộ 22 17:30 05:30
5 Đường Phạm Văn Đồng 17:30 05:30
5 Công viên 17:30 05:30
6 Khu QLGTĐT số 1 17:35 05:30
7 Khu QLGTĐT số 2 17:35 05:30
8 Khu QLGTĐT số 3 17:35 05:30
9 Khu QLGTĐT số 4 17:35 05:30

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